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YEAR: 2024 perspeXtives: Product Innovation Customer Spotlight Policy | November 26, 2024
U. S. Steel CEO Dave Burritt Discusses the Nippon Steel Transaction
CLICK HERE to watch the full interview! From Mon Valley Works’ Irvin Plant, U. S. Steel CEO Dave Burritt discusses how a transaction with Nippon Steel will help secure the future of U. S. Steel and strengthen American steelmaking and supply chains.Nippon Steel has committed to investing ~$2.7 billion in union-represented facilities, including more than $1 billion in Mon Valley Works...
YEAR: 2023 perspeXtives: Product Innovation Customer Spotlight Policy | August 03, 2023
Culture: It's What's for Breakfast
It is a simple expression of a complex idea that is indispensable to the success of not only any corporate strategy, but also of any corporation itself. It is a mandate that springs from the clear understanding that when people are connected, energized, and moving together with purpose, there are no limits to where they can go and what they can achieve.
Influential thinker, author, and educator Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”It is a simple expression of a complex idea that is indispensable to the success of not only any corporate strategy, but also of any corporation itself. It is a mandate that springs from the clear understanding that when people are connected, energized, and moving together with purpose,...
perspeXtives: Policy | August 19, 2022
People: The Real Power of Community Engagement
Giving back to support the communities where we live and work has been a tradition and commitment at U. S. Steel since our beginnings in 1901. We’ve always believed that our business thrives when we are actively engaged in the communities that surround us.When we envision the future, it’s impossible to separate the interests of our company and our communities. They’re inextricably linked. The...
perspeXtives: Policy | July 25, 2022
How Do We Mitigate Ethical Risk?
It seems every year a new corporate scandal rocks everyone from Wall Street to Main Street. For companies, the repercussions can be severe: enforcement actions, lawsuits, civil and/or criminal penalties, and reputational damage. While no organization is immune, is U. S. Steel at risk? A few years back, Harvard Business Review published an article written by Alison Taylor titled, “5...
perspeXtives: Policy | May 31, 2022
Taking a steely resolve in trade action
In a recent story in the online publication Vanguard, Ben Caryl, Associate General Counsel at U. S. Steel, explained our mix of defensive and offensive tactics to combat unfair trade.Click to read the full story on Vanguard’s website.