Reduce emissions intensity (Scope 1 and 2) by 20% by 2030 based on 2018 baselineGlobal emissions intensity decreased from 2022 to 2023 due to increased steel production allowing us to operate more efficiently, including by generating more of our own electricity (reducing the amount of electricity purchased from our electric suppliers). We also shut down three coke batteries at Clairton Plant, which helped optimize coke production to raw steel production. We worked with electricity suppliers to improve our Scope 2 emissions by taking advantage of electrical grid changes. The overall result is a 19.6% reduction in emissions intensity from our 2018 baseline year.
Achieve net-zero Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2050Global absolute emissions increased from 2022 to 2023 to 32.5 million net tons CO2e, which was an increase of just under 3%, due to increased steel production. We are working on various actions to reduce our emissions and meet the 2050 target, and these actions are detailed throughout the report.
Reduce Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity by 25% by 2030 at U. S. Steel’s Big River Steel WorksReduced Scope 2 GHG emissions intensity by 15% from our 2021 baseline.
Reduce or recycle 3% of water used in operations at U. S. Steel’s Big River Steel Works by 2030Continuing to look for new opportunities to reuse and recycle water used in our steelmaking operations.
Maintain water use of less than 2.4 cubic meters of water per metric ton of steel produced through 2028 at U. S. Steel’s Big River Steel WorksFrom 2022 to 2023, there was a 5% increase in water use due to the addition of the non-grain oriented (NGO) lines, but we remain below our target.
Increase the quantity of waste recycled by 10% at U. S. Steel’s Big River Steel Works7.07 metric tons of waste, including office paper, wood, plastic totes, soda cans, and coffee waste was recycled.
Reduce corporate nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions intensity by 10% by 2030 compared with our 2018 baseline2023 actual NOx emissions increased from 2022. The NOx emission intensity decreased slightly in 2023 (1,697 NOx net tons per million metric tons of crude steel) vs. 2022 (1,776 NOx net tons per million metric tons of crude steel) primarily due to increase in steel production. We are on target to meet the 2030 goal.
Achieve ISO 45001 certification at our Minnesota Ore Operations in 2024All operating facilities except for Minnesota Ore Operations and Granite City Works have been certified.
Increase representation of women and people of color in Senior Manager and above roles by 50% in North America by 2030, against our baseline year of 2022Though we had a slight drop in representation for women in leadership roles (20.8% as of 2022 baseline to 20.3% at end of 2023), we are confident we remain on track toward our 2030 goal POC representation increased from 7.6% as of baseline to 7.8% by end of 2023.
Support 100% pay, promotion, and performance rating equityWe will continue to partner with an independent third party to conduct annual reviews of North American compensation, promotion and performance rating data and address findings in a timely manner. Our latest analyses confirm that we’re delivering on this commitment.
Support the enhancement of our workforce’s inclusive skillsets through participation in a DE&I learning opportunityAchieved 80% non-mandatory participation by our North American non-represented workforce.
Continue our corporate contributions in 2024 and increase our volunteer hours by at least 5%

U. S. Steel directed $6.7 million in donations to 134 organizations, events and programs and this includes $1.6 million in donations provided by U. S. Steel Košice. 


We continued to encourage employees’ volunteer contributions to our local communities by providing eight hours of paid volunteer time to full-time, non-represented employees.


At U. S. Steel, our mission of delivering profitable steel solutions for people and planet underlies everything we do. In 2023, supported by our Board of Directors (Board), we continued our work to fulfill this mission by executing our strategy to deliver the BEST for all our stakeholders.
Our culture is based on our S.T.E.E.L. Principles: Safety First; Trust and Respect; Environmental Stewardship; Excellence and Accountability; and Lawful and Ethical Conduct. We expect our employees and members of our Board to take personal responsibility to “do what’s right,” and our Code of Ethical Business Conduct serves as the foundation for the actions of our employees and directors. To further ensure that employees understand the Company’s expectations and all applicable rules, we provide annual ethics and compliance training to our employees and share communications about key compliance topics, including senior management messages underscoring the importance of doing business with integrity. In addition, through our annual policy certification process, employees of U. S. Steel Košice (USSK) in Košice, Slovakia, non-represented employees in the United States, and members of our Board certify their ongoing compliance with our Code of Ethical Business Conduct.