Beyond our employees, we expect our business partners to share our values and act in accordance with the S.T.E.E.L. Principles. Our standard contractual terms and conditions, Supplier Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Guidelines for Third Parties detail our expectations and policy commitments to our business partners.
Our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is published on our website and distributed to suppliers, establishes our requirements for ethical and lawful business practices, human rights and working conditions and environmental stewardship throughout the supply chain. Suppliers must implement an appropriate ethics and compliance program and cascade our standards to any parties they use to support U. S. Steel's business, such as subcontractors.
We require our suppliers to maintain documentation demonstrating their compliance with our standards, provide such documentation to us upon request and honor our requests to formally audit them, which we have done in the past. Suppliers must also promptly inform U. S. Steel of any potential violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct. They may anonymously raise ethics and compliance concerns related to U. S. Steel through the U. S. Steel Ethics and Safety Line. A supplier’s failure to comply with our standards or promptly take appropriate corrective action to remediate violations may jeopardize its relationship with U. S. Steel.
In addition to communicating our expectations, we actively vet and monitor our business partners to identify and address any issues. We screen them against lists of sanctioned and denied parties and conduct additional reviews of higher risk counterparties to identify, among other things, any past misconduct or other compliance-related risks, such as alleged corruption or human rights abuses. Additional efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain are detailed in the Human Rights and Indigenous Rights Policy and California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 Disclosures posted on our website. We also regularly ask our supply chain partners for country-of-origin information to verify that certain goods are not sourced from sanctioned parties and that any conflict minerals used in our products are not sourced from the Democratic Republic of Congo or its adjoining countries. All these steps help ensure that our business partners act in accordance with our S.T.E.E.L. Principles and the laws that apply to our business.