Environmental Stewardship - www.ussteel.com
Environmental Stewardship
At Mon Valley Works alone, U. S. Steel spends approximately $100 million annually on environmental compliance.
Environmental stewardship is a core priority at U. S. Steel. As one of the S.T.E.E.L. Principles that define our practices and values, caring for the environment is deeply embedded in our culture and practices. Our planet’s future depends on safeguarding the vital natural resources that keep our communities and ecosystems healthy.
Due to a myriad of environmental regulations, we must meet extensive environmental compliance requirements across our operations. Environmental compliance and building strong community relationships are two of the U. S. Steel Environmental Affairs team’s top priorities.
Our environmental compliance costs include outlays for testing, sampling, monitoring, inspections and equipment. For example, at the Mon Valley Works alone, U. S. Steel spends approximately $100 million annually on environmental compliance. U. S. Steel’s environmental expenditures totaled $345 million in 2023, $334 million in 2022, and $302 million in 2021. Overall, environmental compliance expenditures represented approximately 2% of U. S. Steel’s total costs and expenses in 2023, 2022, and 2021.
Combining two of our S.T.E.E.L. Principles — Environmental Stewardship and Excellence and Accountability — into one initiative, we launched our Environmental Excellence campaign in 2022. The initiative’s goal is to strengthen awareness, education and engagement efforts regarding environmental stewardship throughout our organization. In 2023 we continued to support and advance the campaign, by extending many of its components, and initiating several new campaign actions.
One way we work to have a positive impact is through our SteelSUSTAINABILITY Employee Resource Group. Created in 2022, its members continually foster greater participation in events and volunteer activities that heighten awareness and support for Environmental Excellence throughout our workforce.
We believe that being a good corporate citizen requires a dedicated focus on how our industry can impact the environment. U. S. Steel advocates for the development of appropriate air, water and waste laws and regulations at the local, state, national and international levels that are based upon proven technology, sound science and data.
Environmental Excellence Award
The goals of our Environmental Excellence Awards program, initiated in 2023, are to recognize individuals and teams for a strong commitment to Environmental Excellence, and to encourage all employees to further embrace, and continue to strive for, Environmental Excellence.
Projects and actions that demonstrate noteworthy commitment to one or more of the following goals are eligible for an Award:
- - Follow work practices and procedures
- - Comply with environmental regulations
- - Prevent environmental incidents
- - Increase energy efficiency
- - Reduce emissions and discharge
- - Prioritize material reuse and recycling
- - Enhance communications
In 2023, 13 individuals and teams were recognized for their work to further environmental excellence.